I'm Vitaloka Siwi Utami, a 5th semester student of
Bengkulu University. I live in North Bengkulu, in this area people use the Javanese
language a lot and my parents are from Java too. I use various languages in
interacting, formal language, Javanese language, and Bengkulu language. But I
mostly use the Bengkulu language because I live in a homogeneous environment.
The picture above is my social network, an illustration of my social network. There
are 5 people that I describe in my social network chart.
1st person is Amanda, she is my friend from high
school. We both live in North Bengkulu, only in different areas. However, we go
to school in Bengkulu Tengah. Amanda and I went to boarding school so we could
use Arabic conversation, when we wanted to talk about important things that
were confidential in public we used Arabic. Besides Arabic, we also use the Bengkulu
language for daily communication.
Then the second person is azizah, she is my childhood
friend. When i talk with her i using formal and bengkulu language, i’ve been 15
years be her friend. I talk with her same as how i talk with my same age, and
it’s natural, high tone seldomly. Next is
my father, he is a rubber factory employee at PT Pamorganda. I
spoke to him in a bit of Javanese, but more formally. I use a soft intonation
when talking to her. Then the next person is my mother. I talk to mom the same
as talking to dad, with soft intonation and using formal language. And
the last person is my sister, we use formal language and Bengkulu, but more
often to Bengkulu. I sometimes use a high and soft intonation. That's my social
network relationship.