CHAPTER 10: Style, Context and Register.

Hello Fellaz

We are from group 10 consist of:

1. Vitaloka siwi utami (A1B019046)

2. Succia putri nabila (A1B019054)

3. Silvi Aliza (A1B019043)

4. Jesyca Edison(A1B019057)

5. Sholihah Annafisah (A1B019051)

6. Kinanti Trianggara (A1B019108) 

7. Mayangsih fitria loka (A1B019119)

8. Fahira Wina Astuti (A1B019056)

9. Asy-Syifa Rahmah (A1B019104)

We would like to present you a presentation about unit 10: Style, Context and Register. This video was made to fullfill the task for sociolinguistic clas. I hope you enjoy the video, and thank you for watching
