2- Language Choice in Your Multilingual Communities
In multilingual communities, more than one language is used. It means that people living in this situation may speak more than one language. When interacting with others, they can choose a code or a variety which is appropiate with participants, topic, and location. According Holmes, the linguistic forms chosen by a speaker is influenced by social context in which he is talking. It matters who he is talking to (participants), where he is talking (settings), what he is talking baout (topic), and why he is talking (function of interaction). As a result, the same massage may be expressed differently to dofferent people.
What is your linguistic repertoire?
after i read the materials, what do you think about factors that affect language choice in multilingual societies?
BalasHapusIn my opinion, The characterized differences between communities such as power, size, wealth, prestige, and vitality are significant factors which often make speakers adjust their language- choice patterns during their life time and/ or from one generation to the next, along with the speakers' attitudes towards their languages.
HapusI think In multilingual context, language choice at the individual is more complex and is determined by a lot of factors. The bilingual or multilingual person makes decisive choices between languages or codes, which may be perceived as more appropriate or more effective in performing a particular function at a given situation.
Hapusin the book that I've read, there are several factors that affect the choose of language that we used when interact with others, such as differences in gender, age, culture, class, etc. these factors become the main reason that influence how we interact with others. The choice depends on these factors, give a different result how we interact with variety of people in social life
HapusIn my opinion there are several factors that affect language choice in multilingual societies, like gender, age, social class, culture, participants who you are talking to, the social context of the talk, the function and topic of the discussion, and setting
Hapusyaapp there's so many factors that affect language choice in multilingual societies. so it make this subject would be interested topic.. thank's all for your great response.
HapusSome of which I got are:
Hapus1)Participants, Who are the speakers?
2)Setting, In what context is the language used?
3)Topic, What are the speakers talking about?
4)Social distance, How well do the speakers know each other?
5)Status, The social status
6)Social roles, Teacher-student; doctor-patient; father-son
7)Formality, Formal vs. informal
8)Function/goal of the interaction, What is the language being used for?
The choice of language in the social interaction of a bilingual/multilingual society is caused by various social and cultural factors.
BalasHapusnamely (1) setting (time and place) and situation; (2) participants in the interaction, (3) the topic of conversation, and (4) the function of the interaction
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HapusWhat do you think abou multilingual communities? Are you one of them? and how you choose the language that you will use in a conversation? I want to know your experience
BalasHapusI personally live in the place where we use multiingual language. There are Javanese, Bengkulu,Padang and also Selatan Language. Sometimes I face some diffuclties like I can't understand what interlocutors saying. So, if one of use in a conversation doesn't understand. We wil use bahasa in our conversation. Every language is so uniqe
Hapushmmmm .. i tried to be multilingual communities if I can, because I think more language is better to get more knowledge, information and can having communication each others with many people clearly.
Hapusand the way how I choose language is base on what field that would be discussed for example, when in the forum discussion in quora platform there are many people from the world discussed any topics and they are respond to each other. for sure we should adapted with the language that related with the people we want to talk about
I think multilingual communities is a community or social group where more than one people use more than one language, it can be bilingual, trilingual, or more. if talk about multilingualism I think yes, I'm part of it. because multilingualism not only the one that can use english, but also include other languages such as our own mother language, and our national language it's a different language too. of course it depend on the factors like who we talk with and where we talk. in indonesia itself there so many language that used. If I talk with someone from the same village or province we might talk with our language, but if I talk with someone from other city such as Java we can't understand if we still talk with our own language, we can use bahasa indnesia which is national language so we can understand each other
HapusI think everyone can be multilingual. We have a mother tongue that we usually use to communicate, then we can also speak Indonesian as our national language, English as the language we learn and as a student who will continue to learn it. And for daily life, I think many people use their mother tongue, whether it's Padang, Javanese, Mandarin, Rejang, or a mixed language between Indonesian and their mother tongue.
HapusI think Multilingual communities is a communities that used more than one language, so it means that people living in this situation may speak more than one language. I think I'm part of them because when I'm at my college I will speak with Bengkulu language or our national language (bahasa Indonesia) and when I'm at home I used my mother language.
Hapusi think i will choose the language in a conversation based on who is talking to me (participants), where I am (setting), what are we talking about (topic), and why we are talking (function of interaction).
I think yes, I have lived several years in Kaur and Manna, and my mother is from padang, sometimes she uses Padang language when she communicates with her sister or her brother, I understand what my mother is talking about or people are talking about , but I can not speak well.
HapusI think a multilingual community is some people who speak more than one language, and I sometimes speak to several people using several languages depending on the person I'm talking to, I live in an environment that has many languages such as Sundanese, Javanese, Bengkulu locals, and Padang.
HapusI really agree with you guys.The linguistic landscape of Indonesia is rich and dynamic. Indonesia is the second most linguistically diverse nation in the world, it offers a wonderful case study for language documentation and multilingualism. So, in my opinion multilingual communities is advantageous for people wanting to participate in globalization and cultural openness.