Assalamualaikum Sir

In relation to the task that you gave. Here We attach a file of it.

Here is the link of our mind map

We are really waiting for the review of the working of the task that We used to do.
So for your attention to, We say thank you


  1. the materials above and also the mind mapping that we have been making yesterday was so interested topic to be discussed. so if you have any suggestion, question or maybe opinion about. lets we start in this comment below !

    1. Hello I'm Fahira Wina Astuti (A1B019056) After read chapter 1, I can conclude that Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. So I have question guys, Does society influence on language or language influence on society?

    2. My answer is it is mutual. All of us as part of society influence one another in some form or the other. I would say that Language and society are complimentary to each other, its difficult to imagine one without considering other. The connection between language and society is tightly anchored. The relationship of the two is deep rooted. Language performs various functions in the society and the society does the same way. If one does not exist, the other one will be affected. So I think both of it influence each other, without

    3. I would say that there is a great influence of the Society on the language and its behavior. Taking into account terms such as: "linguistic attitude" or "linguistic identity". The first refers to the responses that as individuals or a community we make to the use of the language of a certain individual or social group, these can be: rejection, acceptance, prestige, pride. It also has a great influence on the adoption, use or study of a language. so that, if a language has prestige, the more likely it is to be reproduced or spoken; Quite the opposite happens with languages ​​that do not enjoy that prestige, due to disuse, they are gradually forgotten until they become extinct. On the other hand, linguistic identity is the link we have with a speaking community. Duzak (2002) indicates that we do not develop a single linguistic identity, but rather that according to situations and contexts we adapt a multiplicity of identities.

    4. I agree with you silvi
      language and society, both of them will supporting each other and give a impact in every single activities
      for example, we are student from bengkulu and we study in the university that far from bengkulu let say that university in the jakarta , i think our language will change un directly because of the society

    5. In my opinion yes, language and society are related, I think there is no communication without language, even when you move you express something, you have a body language. Language is the primary tool for communication purposes, for establishing peace and order in our society, for showing authority and power, and for attaining goals and objectives. But, it can also destruct the society if it is used inappropriately. It must follow the conformity governing the society to avoid conflicts and to meet the boundary of individual differences. Society however controls our language by giving us preferences as what are acceptable and not, because each one of us has our own perception or point of view. A group of people may accept our language, but for others, it could be kind of offence or insult. We must know how, when and where to say it and for what purpose.

  2. Have you an experience in saying the same thing in different ways?
