Life as a Sociolinguist
Hello everyone!!
Hope you are in good condition this week :)
This week we'll discuss about a video titled "Life as a Sociolinguist"
Here is the link to the video
After watching the video, please kindly share your opinion in the comment below about :
1) what major issue is presented by the speaker in each video,
2) what factors affect the choice of language varieties spoken by language speakers,
3) what factors contribute to language change in society, and
4) how similar or different are language issues covered by the two speakers.
Thank you.
What is life as a sociolinguistic?
BalasHapusI am Vitaloka Siwi Utami (A1B019046). I would to answer your question, in my opinion The mention of life as sociolinguistics is that sociolinguistics studies the use and use of language, the place of language use, the grammar of the language level, the various consequences of the contact of two or more languages, and the variety and time of the use of various languages. our life is not far from the language used and sociolinguistics studies the problem of people speaking differently in different contexts.
HapusThats from me , thank you
Heloo mayang i am jesyca edison i agree with your statement, as a sociolinguistic that we are As a human, language is a tool for interacting with humans, a tool for thinking, and conveying the meaning of trust in society. Apart from being a means of communication and interaction, language also has an important meaning as a learning method in the scope of the language itself.
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusHello my name is Silvi Aliza (A1B019043) I would like to answer the second question about "what factors affect the choice of language varieties spoken by language speakers". I think factors that affect the choice of language varieties is, such as the geographical variation or a place where they live, who uses the language, social position in society, gender, culture, and the time when we used the language. Very often, the choice of language is conscious, and the speaker can switch the language choice depending on such factors.
BalasHapusI agree with you, Silvi. And also the factors that affect the choice of language varieties spoken by language speakers are social factors, like the role of the speaker and the listener, the relationship between them. Geographical variation (where you live), social variation and stylistic variation (all of us modify our speech according to our circumstances and audience), we all talk in different ways at different time to different people.
HapusHello.. I am succia putri nabila,
HapusHere I would like to added my opinion about the statement that both of you have discussed , first off all I agree with you guys, I conclude the point of the videos that also related to our society
I think people will used that language varieties in society totally different each other because of the factors that have you mentioned before like, Geographical variation, who uses the language, social position in society, gender, culture, and the time when we used the language.
Hello everyone I’m Sholihah Annafisah (A1B019051)
BalasHapusI would like to answer the first question. After I watched two videos, I can conclude that:
- In the first video, the major issue is to distinguish between language and dialect or language and varieties.
- In the second video, the major issue is the way language varies, language changes and also the differences between languages and speech varieties.
hello guys, my name is asy-syifa rahmah (A1B019104). I agree with your opinion, Sholihah, after I watched the first video, what I get is language have criteria. They are standardization, vitality, autonomy, reduction and norms. And dialect - variety, we can conclude they are regional, social dialect and phonologycal dialect or accent.
HapusYa, i agree with you anna. Maybe i would add furthermore information about the second video. It show about some example of language problem. How we can't use criterion of mutual inteligibility as one sole criterion. We need something more such as standarization, vitality, autonomy, reduction and also norms.
HapusOkay guys,I'm Fahira Wina Astuti (A1B019056). I would like to answer the third question (what factors contribute to language change in society). In my opinion, Class, ethnicity, and gender are three social factors that play a role in language variation. Class is the structure of relationships between groups where people are classified based on their education, occupation, and income. Ethnicity refers to a group of people that share cultural characteristics and gender deals with the traits associated with men and women.
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusI'm Erpina Triani (A1B019105). I would try to answer question number 4 about how similar or different are language issues covered by the two speakers. Actually it's very interesting that we have various langguages in the word and understand each other is diffuclt although you are in the same country. Like the example in the video that there is a chinese that can't understand other chinese language because it is different in phonology and ortography. Problem between Deutch and German that Deutch can understand German, but German can't. And how English native can understand some word in Jamaican language, but the text as a whole was not comprehensible. To distinguish what a language is we can't use criterion of mutual inteligibility as one sole criterion. We need something more such as standarization, vitality, autonomy, reduction and also norms.
BalasHapusi am kinanti trianggara (A1B019108) I'm agree with you erpina and in my opinion the language problem in the both videos is the same, because in the video it is explained that there are between 2 different countries and 2 different dialects have differences in the pronunciation in some words, such as the pronunciation of "R” which is explained in the second video (life as a socialinguistic) showing differences in pronunciation