Hello everyone,
Hope you are in good condition this week
This week we'll discuss about Gender
By knowing that gender plays a significant role
in determining man and woman, what are its implications in the field of
teaching English education?
For example: Women tend to use formal language
while men use informal language. So what's the point of an English teacher
knowing that?
These are some of the results of our group
The teacher's role in gender is to know what
steps to take as a teacher. Not only teach the values that must be possessed as
a boy or girl to his students but also know the right treatment to be given to
male or female students. Because on many grounds, women and men do have
differences, including in terms of language. In language learning there will
also be many differences in understanding and how they communicate in the
public between men and women. that's why I think it is so important to learn this is to make
sure the language matches to their
The role of a teacher in gender is to understand
what are the components that must be understood in language as a teacher. And
language teaching for men and women is held to find out what actions are
appropriate for each gender and also for the teaching of values that they
both have, here there are differences from both sides and I think that is the
reason why it is important to learn this
Education is an effort to educate the nation's
life and also an investment for a country. Teacher is an important element in
building education and the teacher acts as a distributor of knowledge to
students. There is also a teacher must know the needs of each student, by
understanding their personality, while gender is the same thing. How gender has
been organized from society, so that it is able to regulate every aspect of the
impact on a person. It is therefore important that teachers understand their
students from a gender perspective. So that knowledge can be conveyed clearly.
As an educator who gives knowledge to students
first, they must interact well with students regardless of gender. Teachers often intend to interact with both
sexes equally, and often do so successfully.
However, studies have found that they sometimes respond to boys and
girls differently, perhaps without realizing it. According to (Measor &
Sykes, 1992) teachers interact with boys more often than girls by a difference
of 10 to 30 percent, depending on the grade level of the students and the
personality of the teacher. Why do women often use formal language when speaking,
it’s because women like gentleness, so that formal and polite language is used
by women to communicate.
Teachers must have an understanding of the basic
concepts of sociolinguistics, especially gender as part of the linguistic
discipline and apply it to analyze the symptoms of language in the context of
its use in education. Gender knowledge can be used in communicating or
interacting. Gender plays an important role in providing guidance to us in
communicating by showing what language, language variety or style of language
we should use when we talk to students so that teachers can more easily control
their students.
In many observations of middle and high school
classrooms, male students often lead and dominate classroom discussions. They
raise their hands more often to answer questions than female students, and they
volunteer more frequently to read aloud their writing or the class texts. As
girls are typically socialized to be quiet and active, teachers may need to actively
encourage their participation in the class in order to avoid boy-dominated
discussion, or a situation in which boys receive more feedback from teachers.
But still As a teacher we need Be aware of the number of female students you
call on. Be incredibly proactive in making sure that all students (regardless
of gender, ethnicity, language, or learning ability) are equitably included in
discussions and participation.
Differences in the way men and women communicate
can affect the success strategies of English students in learning English.
Gender differences affect language learning styles and strategies and
teacher-student interaction. In addition, Norton and Pavlenko (2002) involve
three areas that are influenced by gender differences such as curriculum
innovation, classroom practice, and teacher characteristics.
Discussions about women and their language or
language problems and women usually lead to an explanation of the differences
(way) of language between women and men.
In some developed countries, such as France, Britain, America, Japan,
and Germany, the discussion of this issue has long been the concern of some
linguists and has been carried out since the 1920s. For example, in 1922, Otto Jespersen wrote a book
entitled Language: Its Nature, Development, and Origin. In one chapter of the book, Jespersen
specifically discusses the language of women.
He gives his opinion that women are a bit shy when mentioning parts of
their body in an open way, unlike (young) men who prefer to call it open. Jespersen also mentioned that the language
used by women uses adjectives more often than the language used by men. For example, women often use adorable,
charming, sweet, or lovely compared to neutral words, such as great, terrific,
cool, or neat.
Research that focuses on the study of the
relationship between language and gender was pioneered by Robin Tolmach
Lakoff. In her book Language and Women's
Place (1975), she put forward a theory about the existence of women's
language. Lakoff states that there are
many things that underlie the emergence of differences between women and men in
language. It is described that the male
language is more assertive, mature, and men like to speak openly with the right
vocabulary. However, the language used
by women is not assertive, not overt (using figurative words), and is careful
when expressing something, and often uses more subtle and polite words or
through gestures (metamessages). In addition,
according to Lakoff, a woman if she feels less sure about a problem, she will
question herself and have no confidence in themselves. Therefore, many problems that arise end with
a question mark (Lakoff, 2004; Kuntjara, 2004:3-4).
Differences between men and women can trigger the
emergence of gender differences in learning. This tendency can also inhibit
intellectuality and activeness in the classroom. In teaching English, the role
of activeness is very influential. By looking at this fact, it is necessary to
make efforts to improve mastery of English. One of them is by paying attention
to aspects of classroom interaction, which allows for optimal communication
relationships between students and teachers, or between students themselves.
So, guys please look at these statements and our
own group opinion, feel free to add your opinion or lets we discussed together
in this room...
Menurut saya, implikasi hal tersebut kepada kita sebagai guru bahasa inggris mungkin dengan mengetahui adanya perbedaan antara pria dan wanita dalam mengkomunikasikan pendapat, pemahaman dan pikiran mereka, yang mana kita ketahui bahwa pria cendung tidak menggunakan bahasa formal dan cenderung menyampaikan pendapat dalam kata kata yang simple, sedangkan wanita yang lebih menggunakan bahasa formal dan juga menyampaikan pendapat yang menggunakan terlalu banyak kata kata, hal itu membuat kita sebagai guru bahasa inggris harus memberikan pendekatan yang berbeda antara pria dan wanita, seperti pria yang menjelaskan sesuatu dengan bahasa yang simple dan tidak menggunakan bahasa formal belum tentu salah, demikian pula wanita yang menggunakan bahasa formal dan banyak menggunakan kata kata belum tentu juga benar,sehingga kita sebagai guru memahami perbedaan tersebut yang nantinya akan kita terapkan ketika kita menjadi guru.
BalasHapusPendapat saya, mengapa pada bidang pengajaran bahasa inggris dibuthkannya memepalajari gender plays a significant role ini guna di masa yang akan datang guru bahasa inggris dapat menetukan pendekatan/cara/metode yang tepat dalam pembelajaran agar proses pemebelajaran dapat berjalan dengan baik. selain itu, padalam diskusi mungkin ada perbedaan cara penyampaian siswa laki-laki dan siswa perempuan. Yang mana biasanya siswa perempuan cenderung menyampaikan sesuatu dengan bertele-tele. Sedangkan siswa laki-laki anak menyampaikan secara lugas, namun terkadang tidak lengkap. Dengan itu diharapkan kita sebagai guru dapat berlaku adil dengan memahami perbedaan yang ada tersebut.
BalasHapusMenurut saya, implementasinya kepada kita sebagai seorang guru adalah dalam hal komunikasi dan penyampaian pendapat, biasanya seorang pria akan lebih to the point ketika berpendapat dan perempuan biasanya lebih banyak merangkai kata-kata. Dengan mengetahui hal tersebut, kita sebagai guru harus mengerti dan memahami perbedaan tersebut
BalasHapusMenurut saya, dalam bidang bidang pengajaran bahasa inggris sangat penting mengetahui hal tersebut, agar kita bisa bisa membuat pembelajaran yang lebih efektif, dalam pembelajaran mungkin kita sering melakukan diskusi, mungkin cara pria menyampaikan suatu pendapat atau pandangan lebih simple dan tidak secara detail, namun wanita menyampaikan pendapat dengan bshasa yang baku dan detail, kita sebagai guru bahasa inggris hendaknya mengesampingkan perbedaan tersebut dan fokus terhadap inti dan maksud yang ingin disampaikan.
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusAssalamu’alaikum wr.wb
BalasHapusSaya setuju dengan pendapat yang telah diberikan oleh teman-teman sebelumnya. Dan saya akan menambahkan pendapat saya tentang apa gunanya guru mengetahui adanya gender plays a significant role. Menurut saya seorang calon guru sudah seharusnya mengetahui hal tersebut agar ketika seorang guru sudah berada pada proses pengajaran mereka tidak akan terkejut ketika melihat perbedaan cara bicara siswa perempuan yang menyampaikan sesuatu secara lengkap dan formal sedangkan siswa laki-laki tidak. Dengan mengetahui hal ini juga dapat membuat guru tau bagaimana cara, pendekatan atau metode yang dapat digunakan dalam menjelaskan atau memberikan pemahaman pada siswa, dan guru juga akan mencoba memahami cara berkomunikasi siswa baik itu siswa perempuan maupun siswa laki-laki. Yang berikutnya adalah ketika seorang laki-laki yang notabennya berbicara informal dapat mengatur cara berbicara mereka ketika menjadi seorang guru, dalam kegiatan pembelajaran guru laki-laki seharusnya menggunakan bahasa formal dan berbicara secara lengkap agar dapat dimengerti seluruh siswa, bukan menggunakan bahasa informal yang mungkin hanya di pahami oleh siswa laki-laki saja.
Menurut saya dengan mengetahui bahwa gender plays a significant role, implikasinya dalam bidang pengajaran kita sebagai guru Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris adalah agar nanti bila kita menemukan siswa laki-laki yang berbicara singkat dan kurang detail atau siswa perempuan yang cenderung berbicara banyak dan detail, kita sudah tau bahwa sesungguhnya cara mereka berbicara memang berbeda sehingga kadang kita dapat menemui bahwa apa yang mereka sampaikan itu sebenarnya sama, hanya cara penyampaiannya-lah yang berbeda. Hal ini juga dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam menilai siswa ketika berdiskusi ataupun ketika siswa menjawab pertanyaan uraian, juga dapat digunakan agar kita tidak menspesialkan salah satu gender.
BalasHapusIn my opinion, the implication that can be useful for a prospective teacher is as a provision of knowledge to be used in the future where they will deal directly with students when teaching, by understanding that there are differences in the way of speaking between male and female students, hoped that there will be no more a misunderstanding between the teacher and the student. Teachers can also use this knowledge as consideration for choosing teaching techniques that are effective enough to be used to overcome the differences that exist between male and female students and it is also hoped that teachers can understand these differences by not demanding results that must be the same between male and female students, or maybe it's better if the teacher tries to give advice or input to his/her students to be better in the future.
BalasHapusIn my opinion, by knowing that gender plays a significant role, the implication in our teaching field as English Language Education teachers is that later when we find male students who speak briefly and lack detail or female students who tend to speak a lot and in detail, we will already know. that in fact the way they speak is different so that sometimes we can find that what they say is actually the same, only the way it is conveyed is different. This can also be a consideration in assessing students when discussing or when students answer description questions, it can also be used so that we do not specialize in one gender.
BalasHapusAssalamualaikum. Wr. Wb
BalasHapusI think it is useful for a teacher in dealing with differences, by learning this a teacher will not be bothered by the differences in the language spoken by women or men then the teacher can appreciate more that there must be differences. For example, during presentations or dialogues, of course there will be differences where women tend to be polite, then the grammar is complete then men tend to be informal, so from here, the teacher can better understand the vocabulary they are saying, then the most important thing is to be able to determine that the long sentence has not certainly effective and short sentences are not necessarily meaningless.